Page 56 - Geopolítica del Mundo Actual. Una Visión Multidisciplinar
P. 56

 GEOPOLÍTICA DEL MUNDO ACTUAL. UNA VISIÓN MULTIDISCIPLINAR: Cultura de Paz, Conflflictos, Educación y Derechos Humanos
  coexistence among religions was the summit of Islamic humanism which was expressed in Hindu- Muslim unity. Today, both Muhammad Iqbal and Maulana Azad constitute the two pillars on which rest the idea of a humanist Islam.
It is true that many people around the world have not heard of their lives and thoughts.
It is also true Maulana Azad’s mausoleum before the Jama Masjid in Delhi is not a frequently visited place. Maybe all these neglects suggest that many Muslims no longer value a nonviolent or a humanist Islam which once stood in Persia, in Andalusia and in the Indian Subcontinent as a brave force of dialogue and empathy.
But even if many believe that Islam can no more produce new Ibn Rushds, Ibn Arabis, Azads and Iqbals, I think that Muslims around the world can still force destiny’s hand by starting with what is most urgent: liberating Islam from its cultural malaise of fundamentalism and oblivion of its humanist heritage.
It is said very often in history books that war was a vocation of Spaniards. But it should also be added that “Convivencia” was a pioneering process of peacemaking. Here in Córdoba, there are reminders of that spirit of peace loving and communal harmony. The timeless quality of Cordobean life has all the taste and savours of Andalusia, Spain and the Mediterranean, but it also feels Moorish. For the Moorish way of life makes the East feel pleasantly at hand. And let us not forget that it was partly because of the Jewish help that the Moors could govern Spain so swiftly. Many more, under the Moorish rule many Christians kept their faith, but they looked and lived like Moors. So if the Moors were not the salt of Andalusia, they were certainly its strongest spice.
But let me end by saying that Córdoba is not merely a provincial city of Spain, but a passionately capital of Convivencia. Therefore, Córdoba, the microcosm of peace, is always evoking something more universal, partly because Córdoba has set her seal as a paradigm upon so much of the world, and partly because of her own immense experience of plurality and diversity. What is true of this city is seldom true of another.
(Córdoba. Lejana y sola) as Federico García Lorca says in his poem Canción del Jinete (Horseman’s Song). Because Córdoba teaches us what the culture of the Mediterranean has done and what is its value for the future of humanity. Therefore, in a world that is constantly trying to make us something else, being Córdoba and remaining Córdoba is the greatest accomplishment of all.
No. Córdoba is no more“far away and lonely”

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