Page 19 - e-Expert Seminar Series: Translation and Laguage Teaching. Media Accessibility in Modern Languages and Translation
P. 19

A poietically driven approach to media
accessibility education and practice
Gian Maria Greco
(Autonomous University of Barcelona and University of Vigo, Spain)
BIONOTE: Gian Maria Greco is Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellow at the TransMedia Catalonia research group of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain) and Research Associate at the GALMA research group of the University of Vigo (Spain). His research focuses on foundational and applied issues in accessibility studies, with a special interest on media accessibility, translation, and human rights. He has held university positions as post-doc, research fellow, and honorary research fellow. Most notably, between January 2003 and July 2007 he was Junior Research Associate at the University of Oxford (UK). Among his publications is the book (in Italian) Accessibility, Health and Safety of Live Events and Venues (2015). He has over a decade of experience as an accessibility consultant for public institutions and private organisations regarding policies, live events, and cultural heritage. He was founding president and

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