Page 36 - e-Expert Seminar Series: Translation and Laguage Teaching. Media Accessibility in Modern Languages and Translation
P. 36

Accesibilidad en el siglo XXI: retos para el
desarrollo y la enseñanza de lenguas y de
Ma Azahara Veroz González (University of Cordoba, Spain)
BIONOTE: Dr Azahara Veroz González is Lecturer in the Department of Translation and Interpreting, French Philology, Semitic Studies and Documentation at the University of Cordoba, where she teaches Translation and French as a Foreign Language at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Her research focuses on research methods for translators, development of tools for translators, and specialised translation. Her research has been published in prestigious scholarly journals, and she has participated in numerous research projects such as UCOTerm, which led to the creation of a website offering resources for scientific and technical translation, for which she currently acts as coordinator.

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