Page 9 - e-Expert Seminar Series: Translation and Laguage Teaching. Media Accessibility in Modern Languages and Translation
P. 9

We would like to express our gratitude to all of those who have made this e-book accessible.
Firstly, Nancy Guevara and Evan Dorrenstein, who respoke the event live, back in May 2020. Also, Lydia Hayes, who has carefully proofread the contents of this e-book and has assisted us throughout this compelling editorial project.
Secondly, we are grateful to the bodies that have partially funded the e-seminar (MA in Specialised Translation from the Universidad de Córdoba, Spain) as well as the subsequent accessibility publication project (UCL ChangeMakers).
Thirdly, we are grateful to the e-Expert Seminar Series steering committee, all of whom have contributed to the success of this project.
Last but not least, a huge thank-you to our student collaborators from the Universidad de Córdoba (Aurora Campillo, Paula León, Juan Pedro Morales), who were supervised by Dr María del Mar Ogea, and those from University College London (Laura Barberis, Isabel Caddy, Chen Hao, Raghad Melfi), who were supervised by Dr Alejandro Bolaños and Lydia Hayes. The

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