Erasmus+ participants 

Admitted participants from Erasmus+ KA131 programme countries are requested to send a Mobility Agreement to Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. at least two weeks before arrival and to be registered by their International Office within the Beneficiary Module as participants in the staff week. Further information will be given during the second step.

Participation certificates will be delivered based on attendance.


No participation fees are requested. Welcome dinner, networking lunch/dinner and cultural activities are offered by UCO.


Participants are requested to take care of their own accommodation reservation and payment.

How to arrive to Córdoba

Participants are requested to take care of their own travel ticket.

Please find some useful information about the main airports and connections to Córdoba in the How to arrive to Córdoba


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