Page 14 - e-Expert Seminar Series: Translation and Laguage Teaching. Media Accessibility in Modern Languages and Translation
P. 14

accessibility research is ever-more important, as illustrated by the manifest growth of its scholarship.
This paper also aims to contribute to current media accessibility training practices by introducing the so-called “TAILS” approach, which centres on technologies, awareness, innovation, legitimacy, and societal needs as the main drivers for purposeful training in media accessibility practices, such as audio description for people with limited access to visual information and subtitling for d/Deaf and hard-of-hearing audiences, among others.
Scholarship and tuition in the field of media accessibility holds enormous potential for the academic community. As such, educators have the potential to contribute to dissemination in order to make a wider impact on society and improve our current understanding of media accessibility provision, quality standards, and training.

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