Page 16 - e-Expert Seminar Series: Translation and Laguage Teaching. Media Accessibility in Modern Languages and Translation
P. 16

for all. Agnieszka is the Vice-President of the European Association for Studies in Screen Translation (ESIST), a member of the European Society for Translation Studies (EST), Galician Observatory for Media Accessibility (GALMA), Intermedia Research Group, AKCES expert group and an honorary member of the Polish Audiovisual Translators Association (STAW).
ABSTRACT: What is the role of end users in teaching accessibility? Should media accessibility trainers involve people who are blind or deaf in their teaching? How can this involvement be implemented at higher-education institutions? In my paper, I address these questions, arguing for a greater involvement of end users in the teaching of media accessibility and translation. This paper has two theoretical underpinnings: the social model of disability and the project-based approach to translator training. One of the main tenets of the social model of disability is expressed in the phrase “Nothing about us without us.” Such an attitude aims to reshape the role of the disabled from being “passive recipients” to “co-producers” (Crowther 2007). In this paper, I look into how this approach can be applied in the teaching of media accessibility in general, and

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