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Interest Group. Since retirement she has been a writer, researcher and story-teller who uses oral history methods to bring to light the experiences of marginalised women. Before taking up these activities, she worked in secondary education as a teacher and school principal for some 35 years. Jane’s new book, Free to Be Me (Tollington Press, 2021), features the experiences of lesbian and bisexual women seeking asylum in the UK. Profits from the sale of Free to Be Me will support the work of the Lesbian Immigration Support Group in Greater Manchester.
BIODATA: Jennifer MacDougall is a Lecturer in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) at the University of Glasgow and the Programme Director for English on a transnational joint engineering programme with the University of Electronic Science and Technology (UESTC) in China. Jennifer has worked in many contexts related to English language teaching, teacher education, and materials development. She taught ESOL in the FE sector when Glasgow became a dispersal city for people seeking asylum and was the TESOL Development Manager at the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), leading the development of TESOL qualifications, including for volunteer ESOL tutors. Jennifer was the TESOL member of the Project Advisory Group on the ESRCfunded project ‘Intimate Migrations’ (2015–2017) and co-produced ESOL LGBTinclusive teaching and learning materials through the ESRC-funded KE project ‘Developing engagement on LGBT and migrant equality’ (2017–2018). She has recently co-written a chapter in Linguistic Perspectives on Sexuality in Education (edited by Łukasz Pakula) reflecting on the development of the ESOL materials.
ABSTRACT: Universities should be welcoming havens for all students, and it is thus important that all students feel comfortable about their identities in order to maximise their learning potential and overall educational experience. Indeed, teachers can and should play a key role as advocates for LGBTQI+ students, as well as creators of a safe classroom space.
This roundtable will strive to build bridges between students and teachers with the purpose of establishing a long-lasting allyship that will

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