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 GEOPOLÍTICA DEL MUNDO ACTUAL. UNA VISIÓN MULTIDISCIPLINAR: Cultura de Paz, Conflflictos, Educación y Derechos Humanos
  Varieties of youth welfare citizenship: Towards a two- dimension typology [Journal] / auth. Chevalier Tom // Journal of European Social Policy Vol. 26(1). - 2016. - pp. 3-19.
The Three Political Economies of the Welfare State [Book Section] / auth. Esping-Andersen Gøsta // The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism / book auth. Esping-Andersen Gøsta. - New Jersey : Princeton University Press, 1990.
Toplumsal Riskler ve Refah Devletleri ( Translated: Social Risks and Welfare States ) [Book Section] / auth. Esping- Andersen Gøsta // Sosyal Politika Yazıları / book auth. Buğra Ayşe and Keyder Çağlar. - İstanbul : İletişim Yayınları, 2006.
Youth cultures [Journal] / auth. Feixa Carles and Nofre Jordi // sociopedia.isa. - 2012.
España “no es país para jóvenes” | Sociedad | EL MUNDO [Online] / auth. Jimenez Natalia // EL MUNDO. - February 29, 2016. - sociedad/2016/02/29/56d443ad46163f5f298b45f2.html.
Citizenship in Culturally Diverse Societies - Issues, Contexts, Concepts [Book Section] / auth. Kylimcka Will and Norman Wayne // Citizenship in Diverse Societies / book auth. Kylimcka Will and Norman Wayne. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2000.
Citizenship and Social Class ( Yurttaşlık ve Sosyal Sınıf )
[Book Section] / auth. Marshall T.H. // Sosyal Politika Yazıları / book auth. Buğra Ayşe and Keyder Çağlar. - İstanbul : İletişim Yayınları, 2006.
Youth, family change and welfare arrangements [Journal] / auth. Moreno Luis and Marí-Klose Pau // European Societies, 15:4. - 2013. - pp. 493-513.
Patterns of participation: Political and social participation in 22 nations, [Conference] / auth. Newton Kenneth and Giebler Heiko // WZB Discussion Paper, No. SP IV 2008-201,. - Berlin : Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB), 2008.
Defining Youth in Contemporary National Legal and Policy Frameworks Across Europe [Report] / auth. Perovic Bojana. - Strasbourg : EU-CoE Youth Partnership, 2012.
The concept of youth [Book Section] / auth. Wyn Johanna and White Rob // Rethinking Youth / book auth. Wyn Johanna and White Rob. - Melbourne : Allen Unwin Book Publishers, 1997.
On Youth, For Youth, With Youth [Book Section] / auth. Yentürk Nurhan, Kurtaran Yörük and Nemutlu Gülesin // Türkiye’de Gençlik Çalışması ve Politikaları ( Translation : The Youth Work and Policies in Turkey ) / book auth. Yentürk Nurhan, Kurtaran Yörük and Nemutlu Gülesin. - Istanbul : Istanbul Bilgi University Publishing House, 2008.
Gençlerin Özerkliği Var mı? (Do Young People Have Autonomy?
) [Book Section] / auth. Yurttagüler Laden // Youth Policies in Turkey,Istanbul Bilgi University Network: Youth and Participation Project Publications - no:8 / book auth. Yurttagüler Laden, Kurtaran Yörük and Oy Burcu. - [s.l.] : Istanbul Bilgi University Press, 2014.
PSOE [Online] / auth. PSOE // “Ahora progreso”, programa electoral del PSOE para las elecciones generales del próximo 10 de noviembre. - 2019a. - media-content/2019/10/Ahora-progreso-programa-PSOE- 10N-31102019.pdf.
African Youth Charter [Report] / auth. AUC. - Banjul : AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION, 2006.
Youth Wiki National Description - Youth Policies in Spain 2017
/ auth. EC. - 2017.
Conclusiones [Book Section] / auth. INJUVE // Informe Juventud en España 2016 / book auth. Benedicto Jorge [et al.]. - Madrid : Instituto de la Juventud, 2016.
Youth Policy in Spain - A report by the International Group of Experts [Report] / auth. CDEJ. - Budapest : Council of Europe, 1999.
Ciudadanos [Online] / auth. Cs // Un gran acuerdo nacional para poner España en marcha. - 2019. - https://www.
EU Youth Report 2012 [Report] / auth. EU. - Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2012.
Estrategia Juventud 2020 [Book] / auth. INJUVE. - Madrid : Instituto de la Juventud, 2014.
Partido Popular [Online] / auth. PP // Program Electoral del Partido Popular 2019 Por todo lo que nos une. - 2019. - http:// electoral_2019.pdf.
World Youth Report - Youth and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development [Report] / auth. UN. - New York : United Nations Publication, 2018.
Unidas Podemos [Online] / auth. Unidas Podemos // Programa de PODEMOS. Las razones siguen intactas. - 2019a. - https:// programa_generales_10N.pdf.
Vox [Online] / auth. Vox // 100 medidas para la España Viva. - 2019. - espana/2018m/gal_c2d72e181103013447.pdf.

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