Page 88 - Geopolítica del Mundo Actual. Una Visión Multidisciplinar
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 GEOPOLÍTICA DEL MUNDO ACTUAL. UNA VISIÓN MULTIDISCIPLINAR: Cultura de Paz, Conflflictos, Educación y Derechos Humanos
  homes for housing for long times. 81% of the young people in Spain live until the age of 35 in their family homes. (Oller, 2019) Even there are policies concerning housing for youth in place; they are highly selective as the scholarship opportunities for education. As a result, the citizenship of young people depends on their families; their citizenship is denied. On the other hand, as they do not trust to institutions to participate due to variety of reasons such as education, financial income but they choose to participate in unconventional methods of participation such as boycotting, participating protests or signing petitions (Newton, et al., 2008; INJUVE, 2016).
The root cause of the issues summarised above is mainly the welfare structure depending on the family. Furthermore, the youth economic citizenship depends on the selective process as to reach the education, to the labour market or to reach the scholarships has highly competitive and it is limited for a certain number of young people. Due to this reason, young people’s involvement in education, politics, employment hinders.
I have analysed the electoral agendas of the five main political parties ( PSOE, PP, Vox, Unidas Podemos and Cs) in November 2019 Spanish elections by using the theoretical framework explained above. During this process, I have used the discourse analysis methodology as the elections are communicative events and discourse created within the electoral agendas are argumentative (Adolphus, 2020) by analysing the policies proposed concerning approaches to youth, participation, education, employment, health and housing.
Youth discourse: Youth is mainly portrayed as unemployed, disadvantaged and dependent by mainstream political parties. All political parties except Vox agreed on the same age strata as 18-30 while referring the youth and Vox (2019) defined it as 18-25. The mainstream approach among the all electoral agendas is focused on the transition approach to make the young people full “adults”
rather than seeing them as an agency of today. On the other hand, particular youth cultures are focused on creating policies by political parties as following: Rural Youth (Unidas Podemos, PSOE), Gypsies (PSOE), LGBTI(CS).
Participation: The main striking point is the Unidas Podemos approach to reduce the eligibility of age to vote from 18 to 16. (Unidas Podemos, 2019a) The policies for facilitating the participation of disadvantaged youth groups are put in place by Unidas Podemos, PP, PSOE and CS. Both facts are supporting the involvement of young people to politics and facilitates the exercise of political rights. For PP, CS and Vox, eliminating the other languages from the public and NGO sector is the main priority. It can be argued that this policy could result in the marginalisation of the different ethnic groups within Spain.
Education: The selectivity nature of the Spanish education system reflects in the electoral agendas by referring to “best students,” “families with less resources,” “family income” in each political parties. That validates the argument that the Spanish welfare state depends on the family. Although, Unidas Podemos indicates a quasi- solution as free university education, though the costs coming with the education continues to betheleftintheshouldersofthefamilies.While, Vox, Cs, PP focuses on the selective strategy for reaching out the scholarships or the aids promoted for the families and in favour of privatisation of the education, PSOE and Podemos focus on the aid provision during the obligatory education process. It is a clear fact that the education policies that are developed by the political parties regardless their political ideology depending on the family and does not provide a solution to the structural issues of neither the Spanish education system nor the employment system.
Employment: All political parties consider unemployment of young people with different approaches touching the essential points such as job insecurity with providing companies with additional financial aids. Unidas Podemos has provided the universal income scheme to this

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