Page 89 - Geopolítica del Mundo Actual. Una Visión Multidisciplinar
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 GEOPOLÍTICA DEL MUNDO ACTUAL. UNA VISIÓN MULTIDISCIPLINAR: Cultura de Paz, Conflflictos, Educación y Derechos Humanos
  problem to reduce the inequalities within the society though it can be argued that it can ease the young people’s involvement to education, it would not ease their involvement to employment. On the other hand, specifically, the rural youth and women have been the priority within the political agendas for PSOE, PP, CS and Unidas Podemos. Lastly, the employment schemes selectiveness is the main issue within the Spanish system due to structural issue coming from the welfare state structure. Thus, it has not been addressed in any political agenda.
Health: As the health scheme is universal in Spain, there is no discussion done concerning it within the agendas. The Spanish youths reach reproductive health measures is promoted by Unidas Podemos, which refers to the access to particular sexual and reproductive health and rights. Unidas Podemos, Cs has put policies concerning the addictions such as tobacco, drugs and alcohol by putting several strategies on the place.
Housing: It is one of the most significant issues as an obstacle to the Spanish young people’s autonomy. PSOE, PP, Cs and Unidas Podemos refer to this issue intensively. However, it can be argued that it does not reflect the needs of the Spanish youth. On the other hand, differentiating from the other political parties, PP refers to the young people “with children” rather than generalising as young people which refers to the transition approach of youth to promote thee become full adults.
In Spain, the lives of the young people are like acrobats walking in a tightrope. They have the safety net as a family rather than the market or the state, which results in high dependency of the young people to their families concerning education, housing and employment. As the citizenship of young people depends on their family’s socio- economic status, not themselves as individuals, their autonomy and their full participation is endangered. In electoral agendas, this issue never mentioned or discussed, or policies are put in place to harden the role of the state on service provision. One of the most urgent issues such as housing
right in front of the young people’s autonomy is not taken into account with clear cut strategies. Regarding education Regarding education a like housing, housing, the political parties continued to take the criteria as the family income to provide scholarships rather than a universal scheme which results with the dependency of young people to the family to involve in education. Thus, the policies provided are not promoting the autonomy of young people but the dependency on their families.
In conclusion, the policies created in the elections in November 2019, are continuing to be failing the young people due to their irrelevance with the labour market, education policies or the needs of the young people as like the long-lasting tradition of the Spanish family-based welfare system. I found it highly relevant to analyse the possible reasons behind this strategy as culture, the role of family and market within the society. The shortcoming of this research is that it is solely based on the electoral agendas though it could be deepened with analysing of the webpages, press coverages of political parties, social media posts, or more elaboratively the speeches in the parliament. I believe that this research might give a clear picture of the issues of youth in Spain concerning the human rights of youth and the approach of political parties to those issues.
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