Page 28 - e-Expert Seminar Series: Translation and Laguage Teaching. Media Accessibility in Modern Languages and Translation
P. 28

Captioning puppet theatre
Soledad Zárate (University College London, UK)
BIONOTE: Soledad Zárate launched a captioning service at the Puppet Theatre Barge (London) in 2016 and is currently in charge of providing captions for their productions, aimed at children and adults, throughout the year. Having trained as a puppeteer and worked in most of their productions allows her to work closely with the theatre makers in the captioning process, which is not necessarily common practice in the industry. So far, she has captioned 14 productions. She holds a master’s degree in Audiovisual Translation (Roehampton University, UK) and completed a PhD on subtitling for deaf children at University College London in September 2014. She is currently in the process of writing a textbook on Captioning and Subtitling for d/Deaf and Hard-of-hearing People for UCL Press.
ABSTRACT: Captioning is a way of making live performances accessible to D/Deaf, deafened and hard-of-hearing audiences. Drawing from my personal experience at the Puppet Theatre

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