Page 27 - e-Expert Seminar Series: Translation and Laguage Teaching. Media Accessibility in Modern Languages and Translation
P. 27

disability has, in turn, been performed by translators. There are, however, other professionals and industrial stakeholders that are deeply involved in the creation of media accessible content. This presentation aims to provide a few industry-led insights into the creation of accessible programmes and products by exploring the relationship professionals have with the companies and institutions that commission their services. We discuss elements considered key when making content accessible for productions in cinema, theatre, and the performing arts. The goal is to provide a set of professionally oriented approaches for the teaching of media accessibility practices. Firstly, we discuss theatrical accessibility focusing on the array of strategies, as well as guidelines, used to guarantee the highest quality standards of the AD and SDH production. Secondly, we explore the role played by accessibility in theatre productions and the scenic arts; the production of accessible contents is directly linked to their live performance and prior collaboration with directors, playwrights, and dramaturgs. We also discuss the difference between adaptation and making content accessible.

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